
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

how to successfuly thrift for denim jeans

hello friends!  here are my tried-and-tested tips for shopping second-hand denim jeans.

1.  bring tape measure. it is very helpful when you know your exact measurements, especially when it comes to jeans. it will save you a lot of time sorting out.  you can measure your favorite jeans for reference. 

2.  do not trust the size on tag.  a size 28 today would be different from a size 28 from 5 or 10 years ago.  vanity sizing is prevalent in most designer jeans.

3.  fit all jeans when possible.  stop eyeballing the waist line because who knows if the jeans will fit your calves or your thighs.  i thrifted a pair of well-designed jeans before, and i couldn't even raise it pass my calves!

4.  move in the dressing room. stretch, squat, jump, and bend your knees so you'll know if there will be possible butt crack exposure - not a good sign.

5.  wear cycling shorts.  no dressing room? long lines? no problem!  you can easily fit jeans without overexposing your unmentionables. 

6.  borrow a skirt.  this is useful if you're not wearing any cycling shorts. grab a long skirt from the thrift store and use it as a cover as you slide yourself to your chosen pair of jeans. a blanket or sarong dress would serve the same purpose as well.

7.  check for flaws. triple check if you must. areas to check are stitches, crotch, zipper, button, hem, belt loops, missing rhinestones or studs. if you can easily repair it then get it. 

8.  brands. you can't go wrong with designer jeans as long as they fit you and reflect your personal style.

9.  be picky. just because thrifted jeans are cheap, it doesn't mean you'll have to buy everything you like.  unworn pair of jeans is equivalent to wasted time, money, and closet space.

10.  try trends. thrift stores are the perfect place to buy trendy jeans that you know you can pull off but a little doubtful at the same time. mom jeans, culottes, loud prints, leopards, extreme flares, metallics, etc.  it's worth taking a fashion risk since you will be paying these trendy pieces for less. if it works, then you have just advanced your sartorial flair.  

11.  bring multiple eco-bags.  denim jeans can take up a lot of shopping bag space, and extra eco-bags will help with the transportation of your goodies.  oh, and please prepare your arm muscles for instant workout because it can get reeeeeally heavy.

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