
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

washroom makeover

hello, blog friends!

to take my mind off the super crazy preparation for tomorrow's pre-christmas bazaar, here's a post about our tiny washroom makeover.  this much-needed renovation was long overdue.  the mismatched white and grey tiles were replaced with mottled black tiles from mariwasa.  it was a best buy at 34 pesos a piece.  this gave us enough budget to splurge on a set of flush-saving water closet.

the walls were then painted in matte black (a counterintuitive move) since this is a small and windowless space.  the tiles are high enough to prevent stains from coming in contact with the walls.  i also painted the ceiling in the same color as the walls to diminish all borders.  this visual trick will make the ceiling appear much higher than it really is.  adding wall sconces to this space is too much of  a work, and so we skipped this part.  instead, we hung a large-sized mirror to reflect the one and only source of light.  the towels and stainless steel accents provide a nice contrast to the space.

this is how it looked like before and during the makeover.

i still find it odd that i let you guys see our washroom, welp.

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