
Sunday, April 10, 2016

how to be a conscious decorator

our modern disposable culture made it easy for us to decorate our dwellings even with a single click of a mouse.  if you want to create a space filled with good karma, however, you must put time and effort on making it beautiful.  here are a few ways on how to be a conscious decorator.

authenticity.  the best compliment i received was when relatives from abroad commented that they knew instantly it was me who decorated the house.  you cannot just copy a picture you've seen in a magazine, blog, or social media because it will look too staged and pretentious.  be inspired, but put your own unique mark on it.  personality is what makes your home design timeless.

be realistic.  as much as i love an all-white scandinavian look, it is simply not practical in our dust-filled subdivision.  i tried glossy white paint before and promised myself not to do it ever again.  it took me just a few weeks to start repainting again.

slow decorating.  homes are like human beings that evolve.  decorating takes time, requires thoughtful accumulation of furnishings, and a lot of trial and error.  take it slowly and enjoy the process.

edit, edit, edit.  we all have random collections, of course, and it can look a bit chaotic when they suddenly go out of control.  weed out your possessions to only those which truly speak to your heart.  as they say, a cluttered space is a cluttered mind.

if you can change it, change it.  if you cannot, accept it.  there were dozens of imperfections which i would certainly be glad to change in our house.  next to nothing natural light, diminutive shower room, lack of bedroom and privacy, noisy environment, mismatched floor tiles, and so on.  while i was able to change some of them, limited fund and common sense finally stopped me.  i used to get easily irritated and stressed out because of this, but as time goes by, i simply learned to accept it.

paint.  paint is a decorating tool with major value for the money.  if you are on a tight budget, then just paint a single accent wall or ceiling or wooden trims.  upcycling old furniture with paint is also another smart decorating move.  use the power of color to create visual tricks in your space.

environmental sustainability.  buy locally-sourced construction materials when you are renovating a part of your house.  they have far better quality and more inexpensive as compared to those made outside our country.  you could also use salvaged architectural details from demolished old houses to add rustic charm to your project.  nothing is greener than reusing old and well-loved pieces.

personality traits.  do you like a room full of people?  or, do people drain your energy? we must not compromise our personality traits because we are the one who will suffer in the end.  we can offer ourselves more and function much, much better if our environment is conducive to our mental well-being.  if you love to socialize, then have a bar cart filled with alcoholic beverages and snacks ready.  an open layout where plenty of people could gather and talk for hours would be perfect for you.  however, if you are an introvert like me, let your friends know when you are willing and capable to accept visitors.  a quality earplug is also a must if you are highly sensitive to noise.

carve out a space for your hobby.  it could be a mini-library with comfortable chair, cozy music nook, quiet space for writing, meditation spot, or a kitchen full of your cooking ingredients.  having a "me" space affirms to the universe that you are worth it.

share it.  now that your space is a source of happiness, you must share it with other living things (whether online or offline) to keep the positive energy flowing.  share it with your loved ones, friends, or pet buddies.  if you adore plants so much, by all means, fill your space with lots and lots of it.  lucky you for being gifted with green thumbs.

happy decorating!

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