
Saturday, April 2, 2016

lessons learned from decluttering my bedroom

this is my walk-in closet before i transformed it into a small bedroom.  i simply couldn't remember when or where i wore these much clothes.  one thing's for sure though, buying them at the time made me a little less lonely.  however, the "high" i got from shopping was rather short-lived.  i realized now that accumulation of nonsensical things is just a temporary solution to problems, like a band-aid to a deep wound.

thankfully, i happened upon the book by marie kondo titled, the life-changing magic of tidying up: the japanese art of decluttering and organizing.  it changed my life forever.  all i really needed was a gentle nudge from the goddess of organization.  letting go of sentimental things wasn't so bad after all.

my life became simpler and easier.  i even wore the same black t-shirt and grey jeans for more than a month.  no one cared, no one noticed.  people are too busy looking at their phone nowadays.

more decluttering led to more self-discovery.

my current space gives credence to that old adage, "the state of your room reflects the state of your mind."  it is now filled with carefully selected items that speak to my heart.  i became more mindful about all the things i surround myself with.  nothing too fancy or extravagant, but mostly with history or character.  if only i could furnish my bedroom with all second-hand goods, i certainly would.

please take a moment to look around your house.  what does it say about you?  knowing your authentic self is the beginning of all wisdom.

more bedroom makeover here:

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