
Thursday, February 12, 2015

how to avoid buyer's remorse when shopping online

when you see an item online and it speaks to you, as a general rule, you have to get it in an instant.  you really can't go wrong when you buy something from the heart.  but, there are times when online purchases don't turn out so well.  so, here are my tips to avoid buyer's remorse.

ask questions.  you should ask questions about the item's condition, measurement, hidden defects, authenticity markings, or anything that will help you decide on your purchase.  most sellers would be happy to do it for your.  however, if the seller is becoming a little too pain in the a**, then it might be a sign that you need to look for a different seller.  it is your right as a buyer to ask questions.

view all provided pictures.  if you are still unsure about the item, you could request for more pictures.  pictures should be taken in broad daylight or flooded indoor light for clearer details.  you want the pictures to look as close to the actual item as possible.  also, watch out for edited pictures as some sellers do it to make their items saleable.

trusted sellers.  stick with your tried-and-tested online sellers.  they have made you happy before, so they are less likely to cause you buyer's remorse anytime soon.  if you are buying from a new seller, always check his/her feedbacks and ratings.

wait for a day or two.  give it a few days before buying anything online.  if the item is still on your mind, regardless of how many distractions you made or how hard you resisted, then buy it as soon as you open your eyes first thing in the morning.  preferably with a cup of joe to help you think better.

wishlist.  put all your desired items on your wishlist.  you might laugh at me when you see my loooonnnggg wishlist.  more often than not, i didn't really need those wishes after all.  they are just that, wishes.

pin it.  you can always secretly drool at your coveted items on your pinterest boards.  when the universe finally aligned to support you, then it will be easy to simply click the pictures and it will automatically direct you to online shopping sites.  for the meantime, look at them only as inspirations.

think small.  do not purchase something that is beyond your budget.  in this way, you will only incur a small damage to your wallet.  less money spent, less heartaches.

don't be blinded by the price tag.  just because you can afford it, it doesn't mean you'll have to buy it.  it should be something you really, really, really want.  or else, it might just end up in the back of your closet collecting dust.

don't be blinded by the brand.  would you still love the item sans the brand or the screaming logo? would you really buy a nylon bag for the price of a thick, supple, genuine leather bag?  you really can't go wrong with the quality of designer brands, however, not all designer brands are created equal.

lower your expectations.  you should limit your expectations instead of worrying and possibly ruining your entire day just because the item you bought online didn't live up to your standards.  less expectations, greater happiness.

talk it out.  all problems can be straightened out with proper communication.  talk to the seller if you can return the item for an exchange or a refund.  most sellers are very cordial to their buyers because they have a reputation (and a customer) to keep.  i haven't encountered any rude seller yet after all these years, thankfully.

uhm, not returnable?  well, well....

try to like it.   i once received a leather messenger bag with scuffings, scratches, and dirt marks.   i hated it so much, but after giving it a try, i tend to use the said bag more often as compared to my other expensive and perfect-looking bags.  i don't have to baby it since i bought it for less than a thousand.  plus, i can lug it around whenever i do my ukay shopping.

re-sell.   turn your buyer's remorse to cash.  you could try ebay, olx, facebook, instagram, or other free online selling platforms.  you could even sell it to your family members.  or, to your rich relatives and friends with disposable incomes.

repurpose.  some of my less desirable bags provide perfect storage solutions for my art supplies, laptop, books, and special occasion shoes.  you can also incorporate them to your home's interior design as a vase, magazine holder, kitchen or pantry organizer, et cetera.

upcyle/diy.  use your creativity to turn your ugly online purchase to something beautiful.  stud it, paint it, re-dye it, or use it for parts.  the possibilities are endless.

instant gift.  you know your friends and family too well.  if the item is too froufrou for your taste or too small for your amazonian physique (ehem), then you have at least one friend or family member who could benefit from it.  it will save you a lot of time and money, especially during unexpected special occasions.

donate.  put smile to the faces of less fortunate people.  they also need a preloved vintage prada backpack, right?

take it as a lesson learned.  as with all mistakes in life, it will make you a better person.  and, for the love of online shopping, don't buy from the same lousy seller again.  please.

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