
Sunday, December 21, 2014

how to declutter your closet

1.  always ask yourself, "does this spark joy?"  i happened upon this tip on marie kondo's book titled, the life-changing magic of tidying up.  discard everything in your closet that does not "spark joy" in your heart.  thank them for doing their duties, and finally let them go out of your life.

2.  would i buy this today if i'm out shopping?  ask yourself this question every time you hold a piece of clothing from your wardrobe.  listen carefully to your heart and gut feeling.  if  the answer is no, it's time to let them go.

3.  don't do your laundry for one to two months.  as gross as it may sound, this is effective because you will be forced to use your unworn clothes.  anything that is left inside the closet, that you refuse to wear, even though you are totally out of clothes will instantly go out of the closet - permanently.

4.  keep only what fits at your current size.  i used to hold on to clothes that i thought i would fit in after losing excess weight, but thankfully, i finally came to this realization.  when i finally lose the weight, then i will most probably buy a new thrifted set of clothes, and not those that are already in my closet.  your closet should only consist of clothes that fit you right in this minute.

5.  choose only one category at a time when purging.  avoid burn-out when cleaning and downsizing your wardrobe by following this tip.  one day you may start with jeans, the next day with tops, then with the jackets and blazers, and so on.

6.  one item in, two items out.  it's very easy to clutter up a closet with thrifted clothes because they are cheap and with so many beautiful options to choose from.  truth be told, this tip is very difficult for me to follow every time i shop for thrifted clothes.  however, i must do this if i want to streamline my closet.  it will be well worth it.

7.  have a donate/discard/sell/repurpose boxes ready in your closet.  it will be a lot easier for you to simply put them away in their respective categories.  big boxes, grocery bags, black plastic bags, or old hampers are perfectly fine.  they don't necessarily need to be pretty but it's all up to you.

8.  remove all clothes that you didn't wear in the past year.   be honest with yourself, no excuses.

9.  be ruthless.  these are just clothes after all, not memories.  try to repurpose them into something functional or something that you will use in a daily basis such as pillowcases, instant wall art, or alter them for a more laid-back look.

10.  try everything in a full length mirror.  a three-way fitting room mirror will be more helpful.  this is very effective because you will know in an instant if the clothes are flattering or not.  ask yourself, "does it flatter my body shape?"  if the answer is no, you know what to do next.

11.  mend or fix all damaged articles.  you are not wearing them because of the flaws, and so they only take up a lot of space in your closet.  fix those unflattering hems, or missing buttons, or stains, or holes asap.

12.  do a wardrobe purge twice a year.  i do mine on my birthday and post new year to somehow start a clean slate.  this is also consistent with feng shui belief that you should remove old items in your house to get rid of any stagnant and negative energies.  i'm not a firm believer, but there's really no harm in trying.

13.  lastly, do not give your discarded clothes to your friends or relatives.  it will only add up to their clutter.  donate them to charities, sell them online, do a garage sale, or repurpose them into something that you will use on a daily basis (read: rugs).

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